4 Ways to Create a Magical Morning.

Every day can be magical If you choose to make it so. Here are a few things to add to your morning to make it a magical morning.

I don’t know about you, but between work and being a mother and a wife, sometimes the spiritual can get lost in the clutter. However, our spiritual self is just as important and can help us to keep balance in the other facets of our lives.

Adding a little magic does not have to be a big ritual or hours of meditation. Consistency is the main thing. Doing a little each day helps keep you grounded, balanced, and happy.

Four Practices to have a magical morning.

1. Light a candle to welcome back the sun -

In the morning, light a candle and simply say thank you. You can make this more elaborate if you have time or choose to. Even if you can not light a candle, simply thank the goddess/universe for allowing the sun/light and energy to return.

2. Stir intention into your morning tea or coffee-

First, make your coffee or tea as you would normally, but be attentive as you do so. As you prep, the water and stir in your milk and sugar or your honey focus on what you want your day to look like. What will you accomplish? Then enjoy your charged drink to take on the day.

3. Call your affirmations-

This can require some prep work. You can pre-write out all your affirmations or speak what you need to hear. Furthermore, you can choose a word that you want to say each day to manifest it in your life. Saying the same affirmations daily can give them more power as a reminder to you and the universe of what you want to manifest. You can also say whatever you wish to affirm for that day specifically.

I personally have a journal page filled out with my large affirmations and try to read that every morning. This is in addition to some smaller affirmations I may speak specifically for that particular day.

4. Take time to enjoy nature-

Magic is all around us. In a child growing up or a flower blooming. Take a few moments to appreciate it. Take your coffee/tea outside or open/gaze out a window. Essentially, take some time to smell the roses. Allow the nature around you to ground you and charge you for the day or for the end of the day.

These 4 things are simple to do every day to add a little magic to your fast-paced day. You can even pull a tarot card and meditate. The choices are endless. The best way to start is with a habit you already do each morning, and make it magical.

The main point is to find what works for you, but never let the magic dwindle and die. Each of us has a spark within us. Let’s nurture it and allow magic to grow and glow.

Blessed be.
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