Have you seen Hocus Pocus?

Well, it’s not that, though I love that movie. Wicca is not something that can be easily portrayed as every Wiccan’s practice is unique to that person. 

Wicca, at its root, is a nature-based dual theistic practice. While there is usually a dominant male and female entity, Wiccan practitioners can choose to work with one or more entities (Gods or Goddesses) if any at all. Practitioners can also choose a specific god/goddess for a particular ritual.

Wiccan Vs. Witch

Next, let’s look at Wicca (a religious practice) and the act of being a witch. There is a difference between being a Wiccan and being a Witch. I identify with both, as I follow the religious practice of rituals as well as the action of witchcraft. A Wiccan can be a witch and vice versa or you can just be one and not the other. Some choose to practice only the craft without religious affiliations and vice versa. 

As for my practice, I tend to be a bit all over. I follow the wheel of the year and celebrate those holidays with a ritual. I also follow and celebrate the phases of the moon. My practice tends to be more meditative in nature than active. If I am unable to access my ritual tools, I complete my ritual in my internal (mental) sanctuary. (See more on creating your own, HERE)

Wheel of the Year

The wheel of the year is a term used to represent the changing of the season. This follows the ebb and flow of Mother Earth from Spring to winter. There are 8 Sabbaths or main holidays. They are Imbolc (2/2), Ostara (3/20 – 23), Beltane (3/30), Litha (6/20-23), Lughnasadh (8/1), Mabon (9/20-23), Samhain (10/31), and Yule (12/20-25). As you can see some of these dates fall on the spring and fall equinox and the summer and winter solstice. They are to celebrate the harvest and the turn of life on the planet.

Most Wiccans and Witches follow the wheel of the year. As it factors in both the spiritual as well as the magical aspects of both. Some, however, do not.

Wiccan Rede and the x3 Rule

Wiccans (most Wiccans) will follow the Wiccan Rede and the times three rule. The Wiccan Rede, while long, has one common statement, which is “an’ it harm none, do what ye’ will”.

In addition to the rede, is the times three rule, which if you saw
The Craft, you will remember that all that you do comes back threefold, so its like Karma in a way. If you dish out bad energy it will only multiply and come back to you and vice versa. I try to follow both in my practice. 

Wicca Vs. Witchcraft

Wicca is a spiritual practice and religion that is based on the nature of the world and the flow of energy around us and within us. Witchcraft is an action that utilizes the energies and nature around us.


Divination is a practice that many spiritual practitioners as well as wiccans/witches utilize. Divination is the practice of connecting with the universe or divine power for answers and/or guidance. There are many types of divination. Here are a few that I dabble in: 

Scrying – Pendulum
Scrying – Elements

If this is not something that you choose to believe in and you follow another path, that is perfectly fine. I thank you for reading and learning a little bit about Wicca/Witchcraft from my point of view

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