Begin and End Well

Morning and Night Routines

Huzzah! We are well into 2021 and oh my goddess, can it be over? I knew 2021 was going to be a hard year, like the year before and some changes were to be made, but never did I expect all the ups and downs that did occur. Regardless, I know I am not alone. With 2021 coming to an end here in the next few months, I think it’s time to refresh our lives and get it together. We set goals and we work at them, we need to set ourselves up for success as we start our day, our dreams, and end our nights. Let’s begin and end well.
While this CoVid situation, while not ideal, is opening some doors, giving people the push, they needed to take a leap of faith that they were scared to take, and even brought some families closer together. It is forcing me to realize what I truly want to do and giving me the time to do it. No excuses. I used to complain about time, and while I still feel there are not enough hours in the day, I have the time to take steps toward my goals. 
Right now all I have to show for it is some organization planning and a lot of started projects. We are back in self-training and basic review as well as some self-reflecting/self-love. We have 3 more months to go till 2022. Let’s see what we can accomplish with that.

Begin Well

Each morning for the last 2-3 weeks, I have made it a priority to hydrate, journal, meditate/Tarot, stretch, and write. This morning schedule has been key to keeping me motivated throughout the day. You can add anything to your morning routine to get your mind, body, and spirit ready to take on the day. 
Starting your day out right, regardless of the time you wake up sets you up for success. Everything I have read or watched states this, have a good morning routine, but a lot of them seem extra long, I don’t know about you, but I still don’t have the time for a 2 hour morning routine. My staples as listed above are simple, flexible, and work for me. That is what you need to consider in getting your morning set off right and hey, if you have the time for a 2-hour routine, go for it. Plan it and remain consistent. Just remember to feed your mind, body and soul first thing.

End Well

On the same note, a good night routine sets you up for a good rest and therefore a good morning. I try to be in bed or asleep by about 10 pm (TRY). My night routine consists of the normal nightly routine of getting ready for bed and I try to meditate for a few moments, think about what I want to accomplish the next day, and write it down or circle it on my list. I also set in my mind the time I want to get up at, finally light stretch, and snuggles. Then it is off to dreamland. Just like my morning routine, this has been setting me up for success. It’s nothing fancy, but it gets the job done. 
What do you do to begin and end well?
Keep Kicking and Blessed be.

1 thought on “Begin and End Well”

  1. “Right now all I have to show for it is some organization planning and a lot of started projects.”

    This is me! I have started so many things and planned out what I want to do, but I just haven’t been able to buckle down and focus on one thing from beginning to end.

    I like the idea of trying to meditate for a few minutes before bed to set my intentions for the next day.

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