Visualization and Manifestation

These two words, in my opinion, are very similar. Visualization is seeing an action or an outcome, while manifestation is speaking something into action.


Visualization is defined as the formation of mental images.

Manifestation is defined as an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something.

Given the above definitions, you can see why I feel they are very similar and both necessary in Martial arts and spiritual practice such as Wicca.


We can use visualization in Martial arts to train if space is not available, or to master/teach ourselves a new technique. In Wicca, we talk a lot about Manifestation, but we can also use visualization to complete a ritual if we do not have space, tools, or security to do so. Most of the time visualization has to do with actions or things that you already know how to do or the fundamentals of how to.


Manifestation, on the other hand, is more a desired outcome that we wish to speak into existence. In Martial arts, the will to set a goal and work to accomplish it begins with the decision to do it. It usually starts with, “my goal is to get a black belt”, change that to, “I will receive my black belt” and here is a statement you wish to manifest. In Wicca, it is the same thing. We are setting goals, but they are presented as statements of what we can bring into our lives. I want a new job, I will find my dream house, etc., and then, of course, follow it up with action.

Usage of Visualization and Manifestation:

Visualization and the act of manifestation can be used together. You can make the statement, imprint the desire into the universe, and then visualize the outcome. For instance, I will learn how to perfectly execute the 360 jumping spinning cross. (It’s a spin kick with a 1 step in and jump, the kick is executed in the air). Now visualize yourself practicing, see yourself completing the kick and practicing. For another example, I will find my dream house, state it, let the universe know it. Now see exactly what that is in your mind’s eye. The clearer you see it, the more detailed you are in your explanation, the more likely it is to come to fruition.

Including both in your physical and spiritual practice, has helped me to accomplish and stay on top of practicing when time or space is not available and keeping a positive outlook. Believing is the first step, I feel. Training your mind is the next and then the Physical really has no choice but to follow along and once you execute it once and then 100 times more, muscle memory kicks in every other time you try it. 

Visualization and manifestation are useful in all aspects of your life. Just put it into action. Again, it is the act of believing in yourself and positive thinking that is the real magic. Think it, be it, become/accomplish all that you desire.

‘Till next time keep kicking and blessed be. 

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