Intention and Magical Working

Magic is everywhere, in everything, but when you do a spell, where does the magic come from? Why you, of course. Your intention will enhance your magic. You can say any words you want, but without the conviction behind them, they are just that, words, not magical words. Your intention and magical working go hand in hand.

The intention is why spells done by you for you are the strongest. While doing spells for others or having others do spells for you is perfectly fine, it takes a lot more energy and a connection to the individual.

So how do you enhance your intention?

Focus, visualization, and mediation are the simplest ways to enhance your intention. You have to know what your purpose for the spell is, clear your mind, and see the intended outcome in your mind.

For example, You are doing a spell to help you find your dream house. You have your spell, either you wrote it yourself or you found it. Now sit and meditate on finding your dream home. Visualize every step in the house, every detail. How many rooms? Upstairs, downstairs, paint it with as much detail as possible. Focus on that in your mind, hold it for a few minutes, then do your spell.

Just as spells done for you by you will have more power, usually. Spells written by you for your purpose will be stronger as well. You can always search and find a spell then modify it for your specific need. If you choose to write your own spell you would start the process as we did for setting the intention then write the spell and perform it. If you write it and then wait until a specific moon phase to intensify the process, remember to set your intention prior to casting.

It is the small things that will improve the outcome of a spell. The few extra moments you take to set your intention will improve the result. Remember though spells are not usually instantaneous. I have done a few spells where I have seen a result in the near future, but some spells will need to be repeated. Also, remember that even with a set intention you must be open to receiving. If you cast a spell and are not open to letting go or receiving you will not see the messages or the fruit of your work.

The process:

This process of adding intention can be used for spelling items as well such as crystals to be used on their own or in correlation with a spell. If you fill an object with your intention then it will vibrate at that intention and aid you when you need it.

1. Cleanse and clear the object first
2. Hold the object you wish to infuse with a specific intention
3. Visualize anything that you associate with that intention filling up that object
4. Seal it in and speak a few words.

Magic is all around us and the energies of the mother can be used but never take more than you give, be clear in your work, and be open to the result.

Align your intention and magical work to achieve the best in your spell crafting and casting.

Blessed be and keep kicking.

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