Returning to training – April 2022

Hello, hello!

Are you returning to training, or getting into something new? I am right there with you. I have been out of training for about 2 years and going back is scary. Am I ready? Can I still do it?

Sometimes restarting or begining is hard. Its like looking out over a dark abyss. You dont know what is going to happen and what is out there, but guess what, if you dont take that first step, you will never know.

Don’t get me wrong, I was excited and I wanted to go back.

But…I was nervous and also didn’t want to go back. However, I knew if I did not go back now, I probably would never go back. And I did not want that.

So, I jumped into the abyss.

So the original plan was May. And I admit, I was arrogant. I thought I was going to come back in May and test for my final tick in July. Ha! With this new Revelation that I would not get to test till possibly the end of the year or next year, I decided my return should be sooner. That said I have committed to one class and 2 workouts a week.

This past Monday was the begining. It felt great to get back to it. Though I was apprehensive after being out since 2020.

Two days following, I am feeling the run and class. Wednesday I’m going in for workout #2. Leaning toward mostly cardio to up my stamina.

When returning from a long break. Just remember to take it slow. It doesn’t matter how may times you have to start just be sure to never give up.

Keep kicking and check in for more updates as I keep at it for my 4th degree.

Blessed be and keep kicking

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