Lughnasdh – Beginning of the Harvet season

Lughnasadh represents the beginning of the harvest on August 1st. It was the final of the four fire festivals. Lughnasadh was traditionally celebrated in Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man. 
The crops are now ready to harvest and be stored for the colder months. The first harvest was the prep time and I feel that even in these times it still is. We are just harvesting dreams and results versus crops. So, let’s take the time to review the last 7 months. Have you accomplished what you were working towards? Are you a few steps closer? Remember any progress is good progress. 
All that we have planted in the previous months, it is now, that we see the fruits of that labor. We are reaping what we have sown thus far. For me, I am looking at my healthy life adjustments – getting in regular workouts, better sleep, and drinking more water -, my work progress – progressing on my book, my online store (, my spiritual progress – meditation, tarot, and affirmations. While all are still in progress, I am far from where I was. 
This holiday marks the halfway point between the summer solstice and the fall equinox. This is the time of year right before the weather begins to take a turn to cooler months. The last hurrah of summer and warm days to get out and accomplish something. What do you still have on your to-do list?

Check out our other Lughnasdh posts, here.

Let's Celebrate

For Lughnasadh, I burnt some incense and gave thanks for the abundance of this time. More so, this was a great day to be outside and enjoy. Sometimes the easiest way to celebrate the mother and the holidays is to be present and within its glory. 

: All Grains, Grapes, Heather, Blackberries, Sloe, Crab Apples, Pears

Traditional Foods
: Apples, Grains, Bread, and Berries

Incense: Aloes, Rose, Sandalwood

Stones: Carnelian

As always, I ended my day, my celebration, and thanks with a tarot spread. See my Lugh Tarot here.

I hope you have a happy Lughnasadh and many blessings.

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