Check Your Self-Talk

Remember that saying, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Have you ever applied that to yourself?

We live in a society where we are always trying to save someone’s feelings. So, let’s start saving our own and check our self-talk.


I have had my fair deal of self-hate, and once it starts, it tends to spiral out of control. It is important to check in with yourself before it gets worse. And self-talk does not have to be negative and it does not make you crazy. You have to talk to yourself, you have to be your best friend.  So yes we want to watch for that doubt monster and shoo it out, but we also want to acknowledge our emotions and have open dialogues with ourselves. Be honest. If you can’t be honest with yourself, how can you be honest with anyone else?

Try these 3 Things:

Every time your thoughts start to take a turn for the worst, I mean the I’m not good enough, or worthy enough dialogue, stop yourself and try these 3 things:

–  List 3 things you are proud of yourself for.
–  Think about what you would say to yourself if you were not you. (What would you say to someone else going through what you were going through)
–  Just stop and breathe. Silence the negative Nancy in your head. Take this time to redirect your thoughts.

Now on the flip side, when you are too full of yourself, yes pat yourself on the back, and be happy, but be sure you are not kicking others to stay on your pedestal. Balance. Treat yourself, how you treat others, and others how you treat yourself. I am slowly learning this myself.

My self-talk Monster is the “I am not good enough, or don’t deserve monster.” I have always struggled with being enough and living up to others’ expectations. I am learning now and starting over in some places, to find my voice without the background music. Striving for what I believe in and not living passively.

Building yourself up is the only way to reach those dreams you have. Once that “you can’t do that” voice starts talking, shut it down. Tell it you can and you will. Just like how we defend our loved ones we must defend ourselves and our time. We should not have to ask permission to be ourselves. 

Now go be amazing.

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