My 7-Day Arm Challenge

My 7-Day Arm Challenge

My arms have always been my trouble area. No matter how many times I would start doing, push-ups and be consistent, it just didn’t seem like I was gaining any strength or definition. However, there was a point just after high school going into college that I felt like I had some resemblance of arm strength. But as easily as it came in, it went away.

I am not a fan of push-ups. So, I would always look for alternative types of exercises. I would lift weights. I would practice my martial arts punches to build that strength. But when times get busy, it is hard to remain consistent. So, I needed something effective, and simple and I could squeeze in 5 to 10 minutes every day and didn’t require me getting on the floor to do push-ups. That said, check out our lazy arm workout here and now let’s get into the 7-day Arm Challenge.

I very much appreciate the simplicity, and this 7-day mini challenge encompasses that. It’s 1 week, 4 simple exercises done on repeat. Some days will be a little bit harder than others. Then some will be a breeze, but it builds consistency and gets you focused on your arms. This can also be used as a warm-up for your arm workout if you want to do something more strenuous. For me, this was perfect.

See this post in our October Newsletter.

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