August 2022: Taekwondo/Spiritual Update

It has been a while since I shared a formal update on my Taekwondo and Spiritual Journey. So here we go!

Taekwondo Update

I have been back to regular in-person training since May, with the intention of testing for my 3rd in July. My body had other plans. and I did not just want to test for my Taekwondo 3rd degree without being ready, mentally and physically. I have continued training with the goal in mind of testing in September. As we get closer to the date, I am kicking it up a notch and focusing more on kicking/forms rather than strength and endurance.

I have been attending my blackbelt class weekly and get in two workouts during the week, usually. I also try to do mini-home workouts daily to keep these old bones going.

I started out slow and gradually worked to get back in shape. I tried really hard not to overdo it and probably went a little too easy on myself, but based on past experience, I did not want to go super hard on my training for 2 weeks to end up too sore to do anything for the next 2. Better safe than sorry, I say. I rather take my time and be able to remain consistent than hinder myself by needing an extended recovery.

While I have a ways to go, I am finally at the point where I  am going to take my final test for my 3rd degree and I have all the feels.

I am excited to be taking another step towards my 4th degree. At this pace, I’ll be 50 before I am a master, but one way or another I will get there. I am just trying to remember that it is the journey, not the destination that matters the most and its okay to take your time.

Spiritual Update

On the other side of the coin, my spiritual journey has been, well magical. I have been doing my tarot habitually every morning and taking time to meditate for at least a few minutes each day. Grounding has also become a daily practice as well as reconnecting back with nature. I have been trying to get outside EVERY day and be barefoot for part of it. Nature is a big part of the Wiccan practice and being in nature is of itself very spiritual. 

I have put my rituals and any spell work on hold as I was focused on other elements of my spirit but plan to get back to them and in doing so revamp my grimoire and re-write a few of the rituals and spells. I want to begin better documenting my practices to not only be able to look back on them but to be able to share what I have learned and how I have grown. 

There is always more that we feel we must attain, but we must remember to enjoy that which is in front of us first because that is the most important. 

Covid, isolation, and life, in general, required me to take a bit of a break, and honestly, I probably took more advantage of it than I should have. At the end of the day, all that matters is that we keep moving forward and get back on our chosen path.

Blessed Be.


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