Back Kick – The Basics

Alright, Let’s get into our back kick basics.

Name of Kick: Back Kick or DWI CHAGI

Rank: This kick is usually the 5th kick learned. I learned this kick at Green Belt.

Use: This kick is known for it power and speed. It can be used offensively and defensively. This kick shows up in forms once you get into the degree belts. The striking point of this kick is the heel of foot. It is sometimes referred to as a horse kick.

How to: Performing this kick requires a lot of balance, speed and accuracy. From fighting stance, turn and face the opposite way, bring your knee up, look over your shoulder and kick straight back, toes and knee pointing down. The pivot here is a complete 360.  So, if you started facing your opponent, your back should be toward them as you execute the kick, turning back to face them after execution. When you kick straight back remember you are attempting to strike with the heel of the foot. As you kick higher, your upper body will go lower, think of a teeter tatter, when one side goes up the other goes down. This kick usually aims toward the stomach and che

Better it:

Better it:
This kick’s focus is power and accuracy. This kick is great in sparring, it is a perfect counter kick, when timed right or used as a follow up kick. This kick needs to be done fast, though otherwise it leaves you open to attack.

Let’s jump right in. From a fighting stance, here are the 3 aspects of a back kick:

    1. Turn– This kick starts off different from the rest. We want to start with a quick turn. Your feet at this time are not moving. You are just pivoting on your toes to face the opposite way. Keep your stance.
    2. Chamber – From here we want to chamber like a front kick, but instead of kick out, we are kicking back with our knee and toes down and leaning forward with our torso.
    3. Back – This is a back kick and there for our back is showing to the opponent. We do not want to open up our shoulder until the kick has been executed.

While the roundhouse gained its power from the hip turning over, the back kick gains most of its power from the hips and lean. When the kick goes out your upper body should lean forward to increase height so you heel can hit the target.

Some key points for this kick are to make sure your knee is pointing down and your shoulders stay square away from your target. Again, the kick utilizes a stomping motion outward, like a horse. Remember to glance over your shoulder to spot your target but don’t turn to open your shoulder.



Here are a few tips to train your back kick basics:

  • FOCUS ON THE SWING. Start with the turn and swinging our leg back without turning your shoulder.
  • FOCUS ON THE SET UP – CHAMBER. Using the wall or a chair, turn, chamber your front kick and kick backwards, glancing over your shoulder. Be sure to have both hands on the chair to keep your shoulders square.
  • FOCUS ON STRENGTH AND ACCURACY. Mark a spot on a bag or wall, and gently do your kick, to full extension to hit the spot. Do this 10 times on each side. This will not only help your aim but the controlled motion will develop the muscle control for strength and speed.

Back Kick helps to develop your power and aim which will be necessary for future kicks and techniques.

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