Be Motivated, when you're unmotivated.

They make it seem easy. If you want it, go for it. How can you get unmotivated when you are chasing your dream…

I am sure we have all battled the un-motivation monster that creeps up on you the second you set your sights on a task. You know what you want to do, and you know what you must do to get there, but some days, some weeks it’s just a battle. So, how do we get over being unmotivated?

Why do we get unmotivated? and how can we stop it?

There are many reasons, distractions, time, and general exhaustion, but our job is to overcome them. We remain motivated based on our self-control and discipline, when we become unmotivated, we have lost our control.

Take me for instance. I have a big cleaning project that I need to get done and I know I should start and take it one box at a time, but it is just so very daunting, I don’t even want to start and as a result, everything else becomes immensely more important.

For example, washing the dishes, starting dinner 2 hours earlier than normal, or finishing just the next episode of a new series on Netflix. Tell me if this sounds like you. I know I am not alone here. Those little things that we allow to become distractions from our main goal will continue to reoccur and will always be there. While they are still important, sometimes we need to prioritize to stop ourselves from procrastinating. Lists and schedules can help. Read my post on getting it together to learn more about schedules and lists.

Excuse: Time

If time is your excuse like there are not enough hours in the day. I agree, but then there’s the little saying every little bit helps. So, you may not be able to dedicate a day, a half-day, but maybe 30 minutes, maybe an hour. Am I right? I put this cleaning project on my to-do list every day, and as my to-do list shrinks soon it will be the ONLY option.

I am happy to say that I have started this project and while it is slow, very slow as I am clearing out things in storage, I spend a bit of time each day. In addition, small habits will help keep up with the task. For instance, if you have a daily task that you allow to hinder you from working on your big project or goal, figure out how you can eradicate that from your plate or at least from consuming a large chunk of time.

For me doing the dishes is a daily and daunting task. I don’t understand how my family and I make so many dishes, but this used to take hours or be put off to the next day and take even longer. Fix.  I started using my dishwasher for the smaller items and will now rinse and load throughout the day, so they are washed at night, I also make it a point to re-use my glass, I really do not need to use a new one for every drink…right?

Excuse: Exhaustion

As for general exhaustion, you really must look inside yourself. Are you really tired, if so, take a nap, or are you faux-tired? If it’s the latter, try this:

1. Shake out that stale energy, literally shake it out. Just move, sometimes we become tired because we don’t move. 
2. Drink some cold water to wake your insides up.
3. Jump in. The hardest thing is to start once you do the rest is a breeze.

Deep Dive

Is the reason you are unmotivated due to the fact you are not interested? You may truly not want to do the task, but you know you have to. If that is the reason, try the steps above. If it’s a job, look to see if it’s something you want to be doing. Is it something you can start on the side and develop? If so, get it started. If it’s not something that you can do on the side, and it requires 100% all-in or nothing. You will have to see personally if that is something that you can do and what you would need to accomplish that.

People always talk about motivation as an external force. That what you are doing will motivate you, but as I mentioned previously motivation is a by-product of self-control, a little positive thinking, and a lack of fear. If you are fearful of the outcome of action due to only seeing the negative possibility that will hinder you from moving forward. Take my cleaning project again, I prolonged it so long because I was afraid of letting go. I have boxes of memories, that I was concerned I would not be able to let go of, even if they were ruined, broken, or old. I was fearful of what I might find tucked away in all those boxes. Those boxes represent my past and in order to move forward, it’s time to let go.

This is the same for a new venture. Fear is the best friend of the unmotivated monster and they will feed off each other. Small steps. Organize the things that you allow to get in the way of working toward your dream or goal, and figure out how to maintain them without taking up large amounts of time so you have time for what you really want to work on. Some things will always be a daily task, like dishes, but what is going to get you where you want to be, dishes or taking the steps a bit each day to go from one spot to another?

Steps to stay on track:

Staying motivated after you tackle the unmotivated monster is when you kick your self-control into high gear. We do this by:

  1. Take care of yourself, and set small and reasonable goals.
    • For example, don’t give yourself 1 day to clean out the garage filled to the brim with junk, or 1 year to start/launch a new business or career successfully.
    • A reasonable goal is “I will go through 1-2 boxes today” If you get to more, great if you only get through 1, that’s great too. Another reasonable goal is to draft a business plan over the next week for your new business.
  2. Stay positive! This is half the battle. Don’t let that negative talk in when trying to accomplish something.
  3. Try to look at the situation as half full versus half empty. Make a list, check things off, and reward yourself.
  4. Look at the benefits, why are you doing this?
    • For a daunting task like cleaning out the garage, you are doing this to make space to work on projects with your family or for the new car you saved up for and now you need a place to put it. If the goal is a new business venture, think about the extra free time you will be able to spend with your family and the life flexibility you will have due to this new venture.
  5. Don’t blame. The only one responsible for you is you, but don’t beat yourself up either.

Always take a deep breath and dive in. The hardest step is to start once you do, and you truly love it, or see the reason and what will be attained once it’s completed, continuation is like a landslide.

Till next time stay motivated, blessed be, and keep kicking.

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