Beltane begins April 30th and carries on through May 1st. It represents spring in full bloom and the coming of summer. Except spring in my area didn’t get the memo to start warming up. It is also one of the fire festivals depicting a change in the seasons. It is the 3rd sabbath of the year.
Beltane fires symbolize and encourage the sun’s heat and warmth to return.
Celebrating Beltane:
As one of the solar Sabbaths, this can be celebrated simply by being outside, taking a walk-in nature, and just appreciating the turn of the seasons. The growth of everything is finally in full swing.
For me, the weather is not currently on the side of spring blooms but more spring showers. Outside is not going to be possible this Beltane, however, I will be bringing the bloom inside with scents and flowers.
In addition, my celebration of embracing and bringing spring into my home, we will be pulling out the trusty tarot cards.
To see the spread I will use, click here.
Beltane Baking:
Baking is a great way to bring in warmth and the scents of spring. Anh honestly who doesn’t like a home-baked goodie.
OATS. A Beltane go-to for me. They are versatile and delicious.
Circular cakes and cookies can be used to represent the sun. Its continual growth and warmth. How will you be celebrating? I will be making a classic oatmeal cookie with sage and cinnamon for a little extra love.
Happy Beltane. May your celebrations be merry.