
Litha – A Celebration of Light

Litha – A Celebration of Light Litha Mini Altar: Altoids Patricia Kaehn • July 27, 2023 • Spirituality, Wicca, Wiccan Holidays • No Comments Wiccan on the go. Let’s make a Litha Mini Altar. When I started practicing, I thought I needed all these tools and … Litha holds a special place in my heart.

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Creating your inner sanctum

Your internal Power Hub Blessed be my loves. I wanted to make this post about creating your inner sanctum. I am a firm believer in “if you believe it, then it will be”. That is why the way you speak to yourself or the way you think about a situation becomes real. Check out our

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Ostara: Spring Equinox

Ostara: Spring Equinox Ostara falls between March 20th and March 23rd. This holiday signifies the coming of spring and falls on the Spring Equinox or the Vernal Equinox. This holiday is associated with the Goddess Eostre. She is the goddess of fertility and dawn. This is the time of new beginnings and rebirth. There are

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Intention and Magical Working

Magic is everywhere, in everything, but when you do a spell, where does the magic come from? Why you, of course. Your intention will enhance your magic. You can say any words you want, but without the conviction behind them, they are just that, words, not magical words. Your intention and magical working go hand

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Moon Magic

moon magic Phases of the Moon Moon Phases and Magic Every phase of the moon has its magical properties, making it an ideal time to effectively utilize moon magic. While there is a lot of hype around the full moon, every moon phase has its unique power. Each phase can enhance the magic, ritual, or

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Divination Divination is the practice of seeking knowledge of the future or spiritual guidance via supernatural means. It takes many forms. Tarot, runes, tasseography, scrying, and more. The thing that they all have in common is your ability to pay attention, listen, and accept. Presently, my main divination is tarot. I am trying to start

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Imbolc: The Coming of Spring

Imbolc is a pagan holiday celebrated from February 1st to February 2nd. It is based on the Celtic tradition. It marks the halfway mark between the winter solstice or Yule and the spring equinox or Ostara. Imbolc Represents Imbolc represents the coming of spring, this is a time of hope as we begin to emerge

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