
Visualization and Manifestation

Visualization and Manifestation These two words, in my opinion, are very similar. Visualization is seeing an action or an outcome, while manifestation is speaking something into action. Definitions: Visualization is defined as the formation of mental images. Manifestation is defined as an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something. Given the above […]

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Spell Casting and Magick

Spell Casting and Magick I am sure when you think of magick, you think of occult classics like The Craft or series like Sabrina or Charmed. With a wave of your hand, shall your will be done, along with the perfect rhyme to seal the deal? If only, magick was that simple. There is a

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Shadow work: Into the darkening

Shadow Work – Into the Darkening What it is? Shadow work, in a nutshell, is connecting and accepting your shadow self. Your shadow self is the part of you that you don’t like or you feel will not be liked or accepted in the outside world and you, therefore, suppress it. Everyone, like everything in

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Mabon Date: 9/21 -23 Mabon is otherwise known as the Autumn Equinox.  This is the time when day and night or light and dark are equal. After this time, the dark/night becomes longer and light/day becomes shorter. This time of year has been celebrated in the past by many cultures and religions as the 2nd

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Sigils – A little Practical Magic

A little Practical Magic Nothing replaces hard work and dedication, but a little magic can always help.  Something simple to try is sigils. Sigils are inscribed or painted symbols considered to have magical power. You can find these on Pinterest or anywhere on the internet really. You can find a symbol or create your own.

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