Finding Balance: 5 Tips for Finding Peace

It seems impossible to find balance, let alone peace in the world we live in now. There is always something pulling us one way or another. May it be family, work, or other obligations it seems we are always running to stay ahead, or we are falling behind.  Finding balance is a necessity, today and something we need to actually work at.

I know that was me. It is still me to a certain extent. I always felt pulled every which way, forced to live up to everyone’s expectations and standards. Now some obligations are unavoidable and have to be taken care of, but some are not worth your energy. I had to make a change and this is a still in process change, but I already feel some of the benefits. 

ONE: Stop putting yourself last

First and foremost, I had to stop putting my happiness on hold for those around me. Compromises are necessary but not to the point where you feel l like you lose yourself. I had to not only realize that I could not make everyone happy but that is was not my job too. Moreso, I had to accept it. This, I am still working on, but by focusing on your happiness, what will allow you to help others? 

These next two go hand in hand. Prioritizing and small tasks.

TWO: Prioritization

Being able to prioritize is important. Deciding what is the most important and the least important each day will help you not only get more done but keep the most important things completed. What I mean here is if I do this task am I missing out on something I feel is more important? For instance, going to work out versus an event at my child’s school they really want to do. What is more important to you? As a mother spending time with my child supersedes going to work out. I can always work out another time.   

THREE: Focus on small tasks

My other issue was trying to do everything. I would always bite off more than I could chew. Starting big projects and then getting overwhelmed or missing out on the meaningful things in life the “important things” like my kids growing up. It’s hard sometimes because we want to be present, but we also know we have to do the dishes, work, and finish the laundry. At the end of the day, we need to realize that those things will still be there, and your kids and your relationships will grow or fade with or without you.

So, I have taken on the philosophy of a little here. a little there. Taking big tasks and breaking them up. For example, instead of cleaning the WHOLE house in one day – which is feasible for some, but not for me. I tended to get into the mindset of, “If I cannot complete it all right now, I will not do it.” Then nothing got done. This was my pitfall. Therefore, I started to do little tasks. I would just clean the stove or just the countertops or organize this area. This has helped me to feel less overwhelmed and do things that I have to do as well as the things I want to.

These initial points are to manage your time and all that affects you during each day. These last two points are for your mind and body and are just as important. 

FOUR: Meditation

Meditation, alone time, and quiet time. We all need this. Check out my post about meditation, to get started. Whether it be a few minutes or a whole hour. We need it. We are always checking in on other people but never ourselves. I am still coping with this and trying to add this on a more daily basis. I always feel like I am needed and have to be doing something, either for home or work, someone or something is requiring my attention. I steal away some time, but definitely need more to where I can be to my own thoughts and emotions. Do try to always take a little time for yourself. I had success when I was getting up an hour or two earlier than my family, but regardless of when or how it took some time

FIVE: Health and Nutrition

Finally, health and nutrition. If you put in good, you get good out. Eating right and moving your body is essential to a happier balanced life. So, whatever it is, martial arts, walking, dancing, do something to move your body and eat well. 

A bonus here is Nature. Try to get out in Nature, it is the god’s natural healing space. Ground, take deep breaths, and allow the sun to recharge you and the winds to cleanse you. 

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