Form: Taeguek Il Jang
I enjoy performing forms. I think they are an important part of martial arts. Especially in taekwondo. I think very highly of forms and believe that a good martial artist must practice forms in some way, shape, or form. In this post, we will be discussing Taeguek Il Jang.
But first, check out my previous post on forms and their importance, here.
Taekwondo has 8 basic forms. Let's discuss.
Each form teaches and trains specific techniques. Taeguek Il Jang, the first form teaches the following:
Walking stance
Forward stance
Low block
Inside block
High block
Middle punch
Front kick
This form has 18 movements.
Next, lets walk through the form.
- Move into a walking stance to the left (left foot forward), left down block
- Fist of down block should be just outside the thigh of the front leg.
- Step forward into a walking stance (right foot forward), raise the blocking hand, and punch with the right hand.
- Punch should be directed toward the solar plexus.
- Move your front foot (180) to the opposite side into a walking stance (right foot forward), right down block.
- Step forward into a walking stance (left foot forward), raise the blocking hand, and punch with the left hand
- Move left foot to the left (90) into a front stance, left down block.
- DO NOT MOVE! Raise the blocking hand and punch with the right hand.
- Move back into a walking stance (right foot forward), left inside block.
- Bring right fist to right ear with a bent arm. Swing arm to front center to block incoming punch, fist should be below the chin.
- Step forward into a walking stance (left foot forward), raise the blocking hand, and punch with the right hand
- Move your front foot (180) to the opposite side into a walking stance (left foot forward), right inside block.
Halfway there...
- Step forward into a walking stance (right foot forward), raise the blocking hand, and punch with the left hand
- Move right foot (90) forward into front stance, right down block
- DO NOT MOVE! Raise the blocking hand and punch with the left hand.
- Move back leg into walking stance (left foot forward), left high block
- Back leg front kick, land into a walking stance (right foot forward), right punch
- Move front leg (180) to the opposite side into a walking stance (right foot forward), right high block
- Back leg front kick, land into a walking stance (left foot forward), left punch
- Pivot back foot and step into front stance to the right (90) (left foot forward), left down block.
- Step forward into front stance (right foot forward), right punch (KIHAP)
Circle your left foot back to Joon – bee so that you are facing the direction you started.
Remember to hit your stance first then block, kick or punch. And always strike with purpose.
Here are some ways to practice your form. Building muscle memory is important.
First, you can try doing your form facing different directions – practice your form multiple different directions this way you will not get turn around, when you start one way versus another.
Second, do your form as slow as a turtle – do your form as slow as possible to remember each turn and movement.
A third option is to mark your starting point – if your stances are correct, you will end you form in-line with where you started.
Finally, do it blind. Close your eyes or use a blindfolded – this helps your spatial awareness. Seen or unseen you should start and end in roughly the same area.
Happy practicing Taeguek Il Jang.