Goddess Call: Lillith


There are a lot of different opinions and lore associated with Lillith. Some texts identify her as Adam’s first wife in the Garden of Eden. Where she was either cast out or left of her own volition.  Lillith has been called the Mother of Demons and the consort of Lucifer. She’s been called a night goddess and a dark goddess. She has been and will be called more, I’m sure. 

The Lore of Lillith:

As one story goes, Lillith (woman) was made at the same time and of the same clay as Adam (man), they were equal. But Adam desired Lillith to be subservient, and she did not want to play that role, so she left. Adam was alone, and God then made Eve from Adam.  And Eve was made of Adam.

The story some say could end here. Or it could carry on that Lillith went into exile by the Red Sea. Here she becomes the mother of demons as she was cursed for leaving the garden. Others will say, she returned, saw her replacement, and became the snake that coerced Eve to eat from the Tree of Knowledge.

Many more stories paint Lillith, either, darkly as well as a goddess.

While the story sounds like she is being punished for leaving. It can also be seen as a story of empowerment. She left a situation she did not believe in and became stronger for it. Whether she became a demon or a goddess, well that is up to you. I see her as a goddess. A goddess of the night, of protection, of personal truth and empowerment. 

What do you think?

What does Lillith represent?:

Lillith is seen as a protection goddess and as a mother goddess (the actual first woman and all). She represents healing and transformation. From her story, we see her as a figure that represents freedom, equality, independence, strength, female empowerment, and sensuality.


Lillith's Associations:

Dark Moon – As a dark goddess, Lillith is associated with the dark moon, otherwise, known as the new moon. This aligns with her mysterious and rebellious nature

Snake – Snakes have always symbolized rebirth and transformation. They are also linked to immortality. Lillith is associated with the snake due to her transformation and her cunning.

Owl – Her association with the night as a night goddess ties her to the owl. In addition to the Hebrew language Lilith or lilit – which translates to night creatures or Screech Owl. The Owl can also see in the dark. This links back to Lillith’s nature to see behind the mask and discover the truth.

My View of Lillith:

I am still reading and learning about this Goddess. Her story is distorted.  It has either been erased, covered up, or demonized. I believe that the story of Lillith is one of a woman who was unwilling to shape in the mold that was expected of her. And because of this her story, instead of being of triumph was turned into a tale of horror, if you stepped out of line. I feel that it is a story of triumph. She left a situation that did not appreciate or accept her, for a situation that empowered her and allowed her to flourish.

I was drawn to Lillith because of the mystery around her. I never believed or felt that The Mother of Demons story was the full story. Like many other goddess stories, there is always an event. In this case, Lillith became the mother of demons after she left the Garden of Eden and went against the expected patriarchal expectations of a woman. What if the story of Lillith played out where a woman was always see as the equal of man? What would Our world be like if Lillith was our standard of woman and not Eve?

I still have much more to learn about this goddess as I begin to work with her. But I feel her presence and am excited to work with her. 

Have you worked with the Goddess Lillith? What has been your experience?


Geller, Prof. (2018, September 30). Lilith – history, stories & interpretations of the first woman. Mythology.net. https://mythology.net/demons/lilith/

Huanaco, F. (2023, December 15). Lilith: Symbols, energy and worship of the dark goddess. Spells8. https://spells8.com/lessons/lilith-symbols-dark-goddess/

Wolfdaughter, D.-L.-N. (2016, June). LILITH A Goddess Dedication A personal journey to my Inner Goddess. Lilith. http://thegoddesstree.com/GoddessGallery/Lilith.html?fbclid=IwY2xjawEU2w5leHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHSEL5yY0yBwOLFCIrTkZqtYQkAk1gVjXFyxHWReZJiBkeV9mBI4UbGuhZQ_aem_sT5t7oykpWMg1JJCPQZ2qw

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