
Finding Happiness


Everyone searches for happiness. But you cannot find happiness in a thing, person, or place. Sometimes everything can seem like a means to an end. The next place you go or the next significant other or friend group will make you happy, or buying that new outfit, car, or item will give it to you. However, that is not true. I know it is cliche to say that you will only find happiness once you look inside, but it is true. Once you take the time to see yourself and what you truly want and go for it, will find happiness. 

While all that is true, that is not it because there will always be ups and downs in anything that you do. So even if you are following your purpose or passion, there will be difficult times that will test your resolve, but you must remain steadfast. 

Happiness is a perspective. It is the same as every other emotion. Don’t get me wrong, we feel things, but how they affect us is what we have control of. Do you ever wonder why when you’re mad and focus on what made you mad, you get angrier? It’s the same when something makes you happy, and you focus on it, your day becomes better because of it, right?

My thoughts...

I believe, your thoughts define your reality. Mix that with hard work and confidence, everything should fall into place. If you believe you are not where you want to be in life, then you will feel that way. Consequentially, if you know that you are right where you need to be at this specific time in life, then it makes it all more meaningful. Now, I am not saying to be oblivious. I am saying to be present and to be thankful. Do not miss the small moments. You need to trust your intuition, and if something seems wrong to you, don’t tell yourself it is right, but at the same time don’t try to find the fault in anything to give an excuse to opt-out. 

I used to, and unfortunately still do sometimes, look back at my life and think, if I made that choice instead of this one then I would have been better off or I would be where I want to be now, but the truth is, I am where I need to be at the time that I need to be here. The events from that choice to now gave me the experiences that I have now and have shaped me more so to the person that I need to be. If I had made a different choice then I would not be here now, as the person that I am, I would be someone else, not me. Now there is no way to know which is better or worse because only one exists in this existence. 

The purpose...

The purpose of this post is that your happiness depends on you. If you want it, have it. That’s all there is to it. Given the situation that we are dealing with now, it’s possible to slip into a bit of depression or insecurity, but that is only if we focus on what we are missing out on or don’t have access to. If we focus rather on what we do have and allow that light to fill us, we will all get through this happy and healthy. It is how you look at the situation and how you let it affect you that will decide what happens next for you.

Be Happy, Keep Kicking, and blessed be.

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