Let’s get Arms: Lazy Arm Workout


When I was younger, I mean younger and starting to crawl. I gave up on that and started walking. I think that plays apart in my arm strength and the lack thereof. My arms have always been my weakest, at least in my opinion. I have a pretty good punch, but overall strength is lacking. So, for the last 30 days, I have been doing this Lazy Arm Workout.

Am I super strong because of this Lazy Arm Workout, no, but it got me focused on my upper body strength. I recommend this for beginners. It’s simple and requires nothing but a few minutes and can be done anywhere, except maybe the pushups unless you are comfortable doing that anywhere.

These little exercises don’t only target your arms, but you will feel these in your chest and shoulders, too. I feel like this was a great warm-up for me to start focusing on my upper body strength. 

Strengthening my arms is a major goal as I look toward not only tip testing but for life. I am not looking to rely on others as I age and developing my arm strength will keep me independent. These exercises are also low impact and not strenuous on your joints. 

This is just a reminder that a little goes along way. The point is to get active and do something, anything that feeds your soul. Our bodies were meant to move and, if given the chance, could do some pretty amazing things.

Now, be amazing and get moving.

Also check out our 30 days of kicking to get them leg right.

Let's break down this workout.

Prayer hands: Bring your hands together in prayer and have your elbows touch. Make sure these points of contact remain. You will push up, keeping everything together, until your elbows align with your nose, and repeat.
Mantis hands: Shoulders back, create tension and have fingers touch and press through to your palms and repeat.
Arm Circles: Complete 30 each way, focus on small circles.
Push-up: I focused on wide pushups for the bicep and chest. For these five pick you distance and make sure to keep your shoulders, hips and ankles aligned.

Have Fun!

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