Let's Get it Together: Planning, scheduling and lists.

Let’s get it together.

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The time is now! Let’s get it together.

Do you have a passion or just something that you wanted to do for a really long time, but due to the obligations of life, it was hard to carve out time? Yeah, me too. Simple things like wanting to accomplish my 180 splits, put off for 10 years, or bigger things like writing my first novel. Let’s get it together and get it done.

A lot of us have found ourselves with a lot more free time and/or longing for/need for more, regardless of the reason, let’s see this time as a blessing, an opportunity to accomplish, or at least begin. The beginning is the hardest step, but once we are in it, the going part, that gets easier. 

I am one of those few who have been blessed with those extra hours. Now there are some days that I just want to lay in bed or binge on Netflix, and some days I do. I am human. However, most days I try to accomplish something. Whether it’s something that I just have to do, like the dishes or something I want to do like write or train. 

With all this technology and apps to help us, you think that accomplishing goals and planning our days would be easy, but I am old school as in I need to have it written out to do it. There is just something satisfying about crossing out a line on a list. 

There is a quote that I am really trying, in my own life to live by because I know it to be true. 

“A dream written down with a date becomes a goal. A goal broken down into steps becomes a plan. A plan backed by action makes your dreams come true.”

― Greg Reid

Let's Begin:

Having a goal is step one. We all have goals, whether they be small or big, we all have them. Step two is the plan. Let’s take a simple goal like the one I have above, splits and make a plan.

The plan is:

  1. Stretch everyday
  2. Research stretching techniques
  3. Alternate stretching routines

Step three, just like the quote, now take action. 

So now you have a plan to accomplish your goal, but we still have a life to contend with, daily chores, family, etc. Now you need a schedule. 

Scheduling was like a bad habit for me, I used to schedule out every minute of my day to the point where I would freak out if I was off point. Now, I have a handle on that and understand life a little better to know things don’t always go according to the schedule. Good scheduling builds in time for error, time for life. It’s time for us to get it together.


Here is my general daily schedule:

6:30 am – Wake up/morning routine. 

  • Get ready/Hydrate
  • Journal
  • Pull a tarot card and Mediate
  • Work out/Stretch

7:00 am – Breakfast/start work

11:00 am – Clean up 

12:00 pm – Lunch

1:00 pm – Accomplish task from Master ToDo List (More to come below)

3:00 pm – Work toward a goal

4:00 pm – Start dinner/dinner/Movie time/relax

5:00 pm – Training Martial arts

7:00 pm – Night Routine

  • Get ready/moisturize
  • Stretch
  • Plan mini goals for the next day
  • Mediate

9:00 pm – Sleep

The reality of it...

This fluctuates daily, obviously, but generally, this is how my days flow. Your schedule by no means needs to look like this. but you can develop it like this. Carve out time for yourself, your goals, and your family, but don’t get so caught up in the times.

I like schedules, I like to know that I have 2 hours to accomplish this task but at the same time, I modify this schedule as I go. For instance, if I wake up late, so I may push certain things to the end of the day or just back a few hours. That’s why now my best friends are on lists. As noted above, I have a master list, that not only has my big goals but my little daily goals, like decluttering the front closet or taking out the chicken for this week’s dinner. This master list helps me to be organized and still accomplish something each day. So if on the day I overslept and I want to feel like I did something with my life, I’ll pull out my list and find some of the small things and knock them out.

Another Mantra, I am trying to incorporate into my daily is “Don’t put it down, put it away.” This is simply to make the end of the day clean up/beginning of the day clean up more efficient and less time-consuming, why put off what you can do now for tomorrow, right?

The time is now. I know, with everything that is going on, some of it may seem pointless, and meaningless even because we don’t know how or what is going to happen next, but that is a future problem. Focus on the present and what you can do now, if nothing changes, you have elevated yourself closer to that which you wish to be, but always be present and enjoy life and the small moments. Let’s get it together and win in our own way in life.

With that, Be blessed and keep kicking.


Planners help. I personally like this one since it is un-dated and provides more flexibility: Planner.

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