Log: The Journey
This site started to follow my journey as I trained in Taekwondo, practiced Wicca, and grew into my higher self. I have fallen off this path and crawled back. I have become complacent and ignored the facts. To be stagnant in life is no worse than death. We must constantly be moving forward. The world is ever turning, ever changing and we need to too. We do not need to remain the same person we were yesterday. We can choose to be better and follow our dreams, whatever they may be as long as they do not harm.
Join me! Let’s become better together, let’s grow together.
Here I will be keeping a log as I train, practice, and try new things to improve my health. I hope you will join me on this journey.Â
Journey Journal
Here I will keep a track of my goals and progress both on my fitness goals and my spiritual goals. I will share my wins and struggles:

Spirituality & Wicca
Taekwondo & fitness

Spirituality & Wicca
My goal for January was to develop a meditation practice. I wanted to meditate daily. ACCOMPLISHED
- Continuously meditate, and restart tapping meditation.
I continued to meditate through February and it has helped with my mood and quickness to anger. I started Tapping again and incorporated that along with my meditations. - Reestablish my moon rituals – celebrate the full and New Moon starting this month and the rest of the year.
So far so good. I meditated on the new moon and focused on what I wanted to manifest in the new cycle. I am on track to complete my full moon ritual on the 24th. - Start a new book of shadows/Grimoire
I have been planning this in my head and planning what I want to write here and how I want it to look. I will begin the compilation of this after I cleanse and bless it this full moon.
The goals for this month are as follows:
1. Work on Grimoire
2. Continue to meditate
3. Work in Shadow Journal
4. Start to Declutter – March is spring cleaning.Â
Clutter creates stress and stress creates physical and spiritual blockage. Now this is easier said than done for me, but I am doing a little at a time and we should be good by the end of MARCH.
I promise we will work on keeping this updated through the rest of the year. Let’s first respond to how we did with March and our goals/expectations.Â
The goals for March were as follows:
1. Work on Grimoire – I started, but never really sat and dedicated time to it after the new moon.
2. Continue to meditate – I have meditated daily as often as I can but if I couldn’t due to a hectic schedule, I still did some mindful breathing techniques. See here.
3. Work in Shadow Journal – Yes but now as often as I had planned, I have done a lot of internal work, but not recorded in the journal.
4. Start to Declutter – March is spring cleaning. – Accomplished. I had a lot of boxes in my basement that, I have gone through and minimized/reduced. I continue to do this in other places around my home and it feels good. Next is paper.
That wraps up March, and now on to April which is almost over.
April goals were:Â
1. Finish declutters – This is still ongoing.
2. Mediate and get into nature as the weather warms – I have been taking walks almost every day and practicing mindful breathing daily.
3. Take action spiritually – I completed a spiritual detox and cleanse this month as well as an egg cleanse.
April goals were:Â
1. Finish declutters – This is still ongoing.
2. Mediate and get into nature as the weather warms – I have been taking walks almost every day and practicing mindful breathing daily.
3. Take action spiritually – I completed a spiritual detox and cleanse this month as well as an egg cleanse.
All my decluttering for one area was done, and that was storage. Now we are on to the rest of the house, but overall, April’s goals have been a success.Â
May Goals
1. Decluttering is ongoing – Just a little at a time 🙂
2. Meditation – 5 minutes daily – Looking to do this in the morning, right when I get up.Â
3. Ritual – Lunar holidays, meditations, spellcasting, divination, and attuning to the cycle.Â
4. Grimoire – Looking into really setting this up this month
Here we are in mid-August. I have not been great with these updates. But here we go.Â
These last few months, I have been doing a lot of grounding and mindful meditation. I have tried to be out in nature every day if possible. I have not been good with celebrating my sabbaths. I acknowledge them and bask in the moon’s energy but perform no formal ritual or meditation. I have been studying more about the deities I wish to work with and will direct my mediation to them.
Since I have decided to work with these moon goddesses, both Hecate and Lillith, I have felt more grounded and like I am in the right space. I am excited about this chapter and hope to do more work on my grimoire in the coming months.
My goals in the spiritual department are:Â
1. Continue my meditation journey and maintain calm and peace in my mental status as much as possible.Â
2. Realign with the moon and return to my lunar rituals
3. Continue work on my Grimoire
Taekwondo & fitness
Get back into working out regularly. I started Calisthenics and Mobility training. ACCOMPLISHED
- Continue to work out daily and move my body
Yes, I have been keeping up with doing something every day, even when I do not have a workout planned. This has helped my joint stiffness and digestion. - Restart kick training
I have done this some days but I have not yet begun to be consistent with this. - Focus on flexibility
I do stretch every day, but not the deep stretching that I need to increase my flexibility. This will be focussed on in the next month.
The goals for this month are as follows:
1. Incorporate kick training
2. Focus on Flexibility
3. Keep going strong on mobility and calisthenics training
4. Create a sleep schedule and STICK TO IT.
Sleep is really important to your health and is usually overlooked. If you sleep well you can perform better during the day. Your circadian rhythm can also affect your mood and weight gain.Â
March was a good Month on the physical side. Let’s recap:Â
The goals for March were as follows:
1. Incorporate kick training – Accomplished. While this is not on a consistent bases yet we at least kicking again.
2. Focus on Flexibility – I have been stretching to maintain but have not focused on increasing yet.
3. Keep going strong on mobility and calisthenics training. – accomplished. Still working on those pull-ups, but overall able to move better and feel stronger.
4. Create a sleep schedule and STICK TO IT. – This has gotten better; I am not up till 1 am anymore. Also, I have a night routine that I follow and that helps to wind down to head to sleep around the same time.
That wraps up March, and now on to April which is almost over.
April goals were:Â
1. Stay focused on moving. – Walking has been a go-to, as the weather warms to stay active.
2. Stay focused on listening to my body and what it needs – Meaning, if I feel sick, don’t force a workout.
April goals were:Â
1. Stay focused on moving. – Walking has been a go-to, as the weather warms to stay active.
2. Stay focused on listening to my body and what it needs – Meaning, if I feel sick, don’t force a workout.
And I am going to call all these a success. I have come to understand that, at the end of the day, your body is in charge. Everything in moderation is acceptable.Â
May Goals
1. Kicking – I want to incorporate kicking back into my workouts, in addition, to mobility training and maintaining my calisthenics training.
2. Walking always – These leans toward spiritual goals, but just getting into nature and being appreciative.Â
3. Hydration – Water = Life – It also helps with weight loss, skin issues, bowel issues and so much more. My overall goal here is at least 32 to 64 oz a day.
Here we are in mid-August. I have not been great with these updates. But here we go.Â
The last few months have been rocky. I went to the doctor and while everything was fine, I weighed in at the heaviest I have ever been in my life. Then, I was gifted clothes from my mother, a few shirts and some bottoms. my mother is a bit bigger than me and we have never been the same size. I was going to bypass the bottoms altogether, then thought for giggles I would try them on. They fit perfectly. They were a size 18. Now there is nothing wrong with being a size 18. I know many beautiful and healthy people that rock a size 18. I was never one of them. At this weight and size, I don’t feel as energetic as I used to. It was a bit of a wake-up call for me.Â
That all tied with me falling off the Calisthenics wagon caused me to search for what I was going to do next to make a change. So, of course, I circled back home to Taekwondo and set up a plan. Slowly, I have been adding kicking back into my workouts and walking a lot, but clearly, it was not working. It was time to kick it up a notch.Â
Check out my work out here.
I put together this 2-week jump-back workout to get back to kicking and maybe squeeze some of the weight into place. Whether or not it works, I am back to doing something I enjoy, I am moving my body and being active.
My goals in the fitness department are:Â
1. Keep kicking
2. Stay activeÂ
3. Work on my knowledge base for forms for testing (in the distant future)
3/25/2023 Update: Alright friends, we are back at it. The beginning of March was a lazy time. I was dealing with some transitions that made it difficult to stick to anything. Also, my recent failures left me a bit discouraged, but then I realized the only one I was hurting was me. This blog was originally created as a way to hold myself accountable for my training and growth and that is what it will be returning to on this page. Just one step at a time. I know there are going to be times that I fail, but the important thing is to not give up, learn, adjust, and keep kicking. So this time I started earlier and with some challenges and got into the swing of things before I started counting. We will reach victory. Even if it takes a while. I plan to enjoy the journey. 3/11/2023 Update: I am a little late on my update here, but there have been some big changes with my online store, elementsofthewitch.com and a revamp there as well as Twilight Elements growing into a publishing company. This is still a blog to chronologize my growth, but I also want to help other share their stories. More to come with this but look for all types of updates all over the site.1/25/2023 Update: Here we are at the end of January. Jeez, this month was too much. I was sick for about 3 weeks of it and while I tried to push through on some things, most days it was just better for me to rest. This last week we are back on track...I think. I returned to class on Monday and have maintained my hula hooping sans for a few days, this is the same for the body bloom intake. Overall, I am feeling better and will be carrying over a lot of these to February to finish where I left off. Roadblocks may appear but how we handle them is all that really matters. In this case, they slowed me down, but they will never stop me. I am healthy and set to keep on.1/25/2023 Update: So, while I have absolutely no excuse as to why I did not read while sick, I didn't. I read some but was not able to finish either book so these will carry over to February. No excuses now.1/17/2023 Update: It seems to me that every time I am eager and ready to jump into something, something arises to hinder my actions. This time it was my health. My household has been sick practically since the beginning of 2023. Feeling better and cleaning at the moment. Challenges 3 and 4 have not even been started, and 1 and 2 have been paused for almost a week. Back it soon. Being kind to myself.1/17/2023 Update:  I started but have not made any headway on my books. Still shooting to complete these reads by EOM. 12/17 Update: 3 weeks into my December challenges. I was very consistent with these challenges. I have completed 2 thus far. Overall, I am proud of myself. I completed each task each day and only took 2 rest days out of the 21. Christmas Eve marks the end of the final 2 challenges that I have given myself for December. January will bring more, and I am excited to continue this journey. I will be reviewing a few more items in the coming months. I am excited to try them and what they can help me accomplish. 12/17 Update: Each day I have pulled a tarot card and meditated on it. I have received many relevant messages each day and have tried to keep them in mind throughout each day. As for my Pendulum work, I sent to work on a pendulum box. For the 14 days of this challenge, I worked on connecting to my pendulum and its vibrations. I will continue meditating with my pendulum to better connect my vibrations to it and the universe.Â