
Date: 9/21 -23

Mabon is otherwise known as the Autumn Equinox.  This is the time when day and night or light and dark are equal. After this time, the dark/night becomes longer and light/day becomes shorter. This time of year has been celebrated in the past by many cultures and religions as the 2nd harvest.

Pagans, Witches, and Wiccans are no different. Though the story and festivities do differ, the idea is the same. Thanking the earth for this final harvest before the nights get longer and the air gets colder. 

Mabon takes place near the end of September usually between the 20th and the 23rd. This is a time of balance, externally and internally. Finding your personal balance during this time or refinding your balance at this time of year is a good practice as we enter into the colder more reflective months of the year.

Symbols and Colors

Symbols and colors of this holiday are things that you will usually see growing at this time. Some are: 

  • Pumpkins – orange
  • Pine cones – brown
  • Apples – Red
  • Corn – gold/yellow
  • and more…

You can also start to find certain herbs during this harvest. 


  • Honeysuckle
  • Marigold
  • Milkweed
  • Myrrh
  • Rose
  • Sage
  • Thistle
  • and more…

What to do?

This is my favorite time of year. It is at this time you start to feel the chill and whisper in the air. 

Mabon is a sabbath. One of 8 as the wheel turns. There are many ways to celebrate and should be dedicated to your specific path.

Some things that you can do are: 

  • Enjoy the change – take a walk and embrace the change/balance of life around you. 
  • Bake/cook – use the ingredients of the seasons
  • Meditate
  • Complete a ritual
  • Simply say thank you to the earth 

There are many crafts that you can also do during this time using that which the earth has given. Just open your eyes and see the beauty around you. 

My Plans

Here’s what I am doing this Mabon.

Simple ritual utilizing the colors of the season, opening my windows and letting that crisp beginning of fall air in. Baking and meditation are also on the schedule. During this time, I like to go apple picking and so, I have a pie and some caramel apple skewers in my future for today as well. 



  • Peeled and sliced apples – 10 large – Tart/semi-sweet
  • 1 cup brown sugar 
  • 1/2 cup of butter 

(add more as you see fit/to your taste)

  • 2-4 cinnamon sticks

Boil all together, until the apples are tender.

Pie Crust:

I am working on my pie crust abilities, but they are not there yet, so I used the pastry sheets. 

  • Preheat your oven to 350.
  • Roll out your pastry sheets about 1/2 in thick
  • Lightly dust with flour in your pie pan or cake pan. (I used a cake pan) and layer in your pastry sheet. 
  • Add a few pokes in the bottom, just to hinder it from puffing up, and add your filling to just below the top. 

Now the fun part, the top. Here you can do as you wish. 

  • Roll out your pastry sheet, place it on top or make a fun design. 
  • Press the sides to seal. 
  • Pop it in the oven for 15- 20 minutes and check. Our only goal is to get the crust to lovely golden/flaky color and consistency.

Cool and enjoy!

Merry Mabon! Enjoy your time. Center and balance for the next cycle. 

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