Preparing for Tip Testing: Focus & Workouts

I am excited to get back to testing. At the moment, I am still on a break from formal training. That said, I still plan to start training again and prepare for returning to class and jumping back into tip testing.

What do I need to focus on?

There are a few things I know I need to work on for the next level of testing:
  • Review past forms
  • Learn new form
  • Brush up on the basic
  • Build endurance/strength
  • Practice jumping, spinning kick variations

How do I plan to do so?

Back when I started the original version of my blog on Blogspot, I did a weekly challenge for each kick. The goal was 1000 kicks a week. So that was 200 kicks a day (Monday through Friday), 100 kicks a leg.

Now, I am a wee bit out of shape, so we are going to shoot for 500 a week, 100 a day, 50 per leg. In addition, I will be diversifying. I won’t do 100 front kicks, but 10 front kicks each leg, 10 roundhouse kicks each leg, and so on. Or maybe we will do 100 front kicks on Monday and 100 roundhouse kicks on Tuesday. Just to work a variety of muscles to spread the pain.

Here's the kicking workout (2 weeks plan) - 1000 kicks:


Maybe, but either I’m going to start and enjoy the soreness, or I’m going to quit.
Outside of kicks, we need to work on forms. We will do the same thing here. Which are included in column #2 on the workout sheets.

This is the plan starting 8/12 to the end of August.

Doing the kicks and the forms will help to build my endurance and strength, but we will drop in a few more gems as seen in column #3.

Am I crazy?

Since I have been out of training, I have been lazy. I did maintain a workout plan for a while but got busy, hurt my back and wrist doing some yard work, and then never got back to it. Enough is enough. My formal break is still on, but my break from training is done. I will try not to hurt myself though.

Go big or go home is the saying right?
Looking for more info on what tip testing is, see our post here.

Kick with me and start this workout Today! 8/12.

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