Samhain - The Witches New Year/Thinning of the veil

Samhain is the final harvest of the year. This marks the end of the Wheel. This is a time of reflection, mediation, and ancestors. This is also when the veil to the other side is the thinnest.
Samhain occurs at the point when we are entering the cold and the dark. It represents a time to take stock of that which has happened and that will. It is time to prep and prepare for the warmer parts of the year when they return. As well as CELEBRATE. I mean it is the new year. Eat and be merry.
This is my favorite time of year. The trees are in full transition and the world is colorful and vibrant for one last hurrah. This is the end of the cycle before death and there for rebirth to happen. It is a time to be thankful.
Celebrating Samhain:
Samhain corresponds with Halloween. So you can participate in the customary feats, such as pumpkin carving and tricker treating to celebrate.Â
Each Samhain I try to take stock of the year past and what I am looking forward to in the new year.Â
Also since this is when the veil is thinnest, carving pumpkins or any gourd is ideal as the candlelit inside will guide ancestors home but ward off evil spirits.
Offerings to ancestors or a dumb supper are good to do at this time. Just be sure to have up your wards and protections.
Pumpkin/Gourd Carving
Okay, I feel that everyone has at some time carved a pumpkin or something similar. Regardless the lore is that turnips used to be carved with scary faces to ward off the evil spirits that roam through the thin veil and a light in the window guides your loved ones home. Nowadays it has become very commercialized and everyone gets fancy with it, a good ole scary pumpkin face is the best.
Don’t forget to light your candle and place any photos of loved ones on your altar at this time. A little visit and connection with your ancestors is always welcome, right?
CRAFT: Buy that pumpkin, cut it open, be thankful for its sacrifice and protection, and cut out that creepy face to protect your domain.
Dumb Supper:
A Dumb supper is a dinner with the dead. At this time of year when the veil is the thinnest it is likely to communicate with loved ones passed on. What better way than to break bread?
When we say “dumb”, we simply mean silent. This is a meal taken in silence. It is customary to set a plate and seat for those passed.Â
Read more on how to conduct a dumb supper, here.
Samhaim Food
Now, no holiday is complete without something to eat. This time of year is about hearty meals. The weather is cooling, and we know the cold is coming. So we want to focus on sturdy, filling foods:
– Apples and pumpkins at this time are a must
-Beef stews with heart vegetables
Here are some additional traditional recipes to try.
Getting Ready for Samhaim
Prepping for Samahin, like any holiday, it is best to gather from your surroundings, leaves, acorns, and other findings from this time of year are great to incorporate into your altar and celebration.Â
Your altar can include everything that we have included here in this post, colors of green, orange, brown, and black, elements of maple, corn, and apple, and anything else you associate with this time of the year. Again this is a time of preparation, rememberance, and protection for the turning of the wheel. The more, you can add to your Samhain celebration the more power it will have and the more that it will bring into your life. Remember this is also a celebration, we are closing out one year to start another turn of the wheel.
At the end of the day, you need to celebrate the way that resonates and works for you. It can be a simple meditation and tarot spread or an elaborate dumb supper. Spell work at this time especially that which involves connection with ancestors is perfect for this time.Â
Just take time to be thankful for the year that you had, no matter the ups and downs, and prepare for the new year, ready.Â