A little Practical Magic
Nothing replaces hard work and dedication, but a little magic can assist.
Something simple to try is sigils. Sigils are symbols considered to have magical powers. You can paint, draw, carve, or trace these symbols where you need them. Different sigils can be found on Pinterest or anywhere on the internet, or you can create your own.
DISCLAIMER: Use sigils made by others or easily available at your own risk. You do not know the intent when it was created. Therefore it is best to create your own.
Creating your own is the best practice and simple to do. Sigils you make yourself will generate more power for whatever you wish to manifest, bring, or amplify. These can be temporary amplifiers or more permanent. The choice is yours.
There are two methods to developing your sigils.
Method 1:
- Let’s design a sigil for Clarity.
- Choose your goal: Clarity (this can also be a statement)
- Speak as if you already have what you are looking to attain.
- Remove the vowels and repeating constants: CLRTY
- Meditate and focus on your intent, focus on the letters and the shapes that jump out to you, and create your sigil.

Method 2:
Another method is to use a sigil wheel. This method is less pretty and intuitive, but it’s a good place to start. For this option, you can use all the letters in the word or just the constants. The wheel is below:
For this style of sigil making, you would connect the letters and that would be your mark, which you could add to or embellish.
So you would take the shape that this made and go from there. Here’s mine:

How will use sigils in your Magic?
Sigils are a very personal type of magic and the ones that you create yourself carry the most power. During your magical workings, why not try to create a sigil to empower yourself and amplify your manifestations. See it in your mind’s eye, speak it to the universe, work toward it, and achieve it. Once you have your sigil made place it where you want it and remember to charge it.
Charging your sigil
Yes, you filled it with intent upon creation, but now you need to charge it. This can be done by focusing your energy on the image, placing your hand over it, and directing it to the sigil. Visualize a glow resonating from you into the image. Your sigil is now charged, and you can use it to help manifest what you desire into your life.