Spell crafting is, well, crafting a spell. This is essential to one’s practice if you do any spellcasting.
When I started practicing and incorporating spells into my practice, I would use Google and Pinterest. I would search for what I was looking for and use what I found. While this is fine when you are starting out. Writing your own spells will be more beneficial for you. Your words are power.
Spells are the articulation of our desires. Some pray, some manifest, and some burn candles and cast spells under a full moon, the end result is all the same. Ask and you shall receive.
Now, I want to add this little note. You can cast as many spells as you want just like you can pray as much as you want, but if you don’t follow that up with any work or follow through, do not expect any results. You have to put in the work. The spell is just to help clear and guide the way.
Let's Get Crafting
With that being said, let’s get crafting. Here are a few points to keep in mind when crafting a spell.
1. Take your time.Â
This, like any other part of your craft, should be cherished. Do not rush it. Meditate and sit with the intention, with your goal. Have a notepad and a pen and joy down any words that come to you. We will use attaining more money as our goal.
2. Be specific.Â
Be as detailed as possible. Layout everything that has to do with this main goal. What is it for? How much? What will this do for you if attained?
For example, our main goal is attaining money. What is it for? To pay off a medical debt. How much? $7,000. Who is it for? Myself. When is it needed? As soon as possible. Why? This medical procedure cannot take place until paid in full. Be as detailed as possible.
Now you would think this would be enough. No? This is all great but how is this to be attained is still a pending question to be asked. If you are not specific you may get what you need but not in a way you truly want. For instance, if for this situation we do not specify how, we could attain the money from a family member passing rather than a raise or bonus at work.
3. Write your spell.
Take the components of all that you have done and string the pieces together.Â
For a needed and unplanned expense
For my health, I ask. Money flows to me from my work.Â
Opportunity to provide the 7000 that I need to be well.
Spells can rhyme or they can not just make sure the message is clear. Remember to hold your intention strong. Repeat. Spells are never one and done. Try casting your spell a few times and tweak if necessary.Â
Spell crafting is a learning art. Take your time and embrace your inner magic.
Blessed be.