Spells: 3 Things to Productive Spells
Spells are witches’ prayers to the powers that be. At least that is how I see it. Spells, at the end of the day, are just words. The things we say, write and think can manifest and that is all a spell is. But what truly makes anything magical is the intention and dedication. Here are 3 things to keep in mind for productive spells.
There are 3 things we need to keep in mind when casting spells/praying.
1. Repetition – Just like anything in life, you have to work at it. Nothing is ever one and done.
2. Intention – Clear and Concise. Be specific and detailed in what and why, you are asking/doing what you are doing.
3. Ingredients – Your energy is more than enough, but sometimes a spell needs a little boost either for speed, distance or importance. For instances like this look to associations/relations to what you are trying to accomplish. REMEMBER: the associations do not have to match general consensus on, it can and should be what it means to you. UNLESS you plan on ingesting it, then BE VERY CAREFUL and look into all the details FIRST.
Spells are important just as prayer is important and to be they go hand in hand. Whether you are asking a deity or the universe in general. The point is you are the maker and creator of your life. Design it how you see fit.