Getting back into it was surprisingly easy. I have been keeping it easy so that I don’t get discouraged and sore. As this has been my issue in the past. I would go crazy and hit hard and fast, for a few days in a row, then I’d be too sore to continue. It would take a week to be back to feeling well enough to train and then I would practically be starting over.
Thus far, I have been back for 3 classes and completed 5 workouts. Each workout included cardio, weights and stretching and class, well, that is whatever the instructor felt like teaching us and drilling.
Right now I am in only 2 days, Mondays and Wednesdays and rest/do life the rest of the week. I hope to increase my workouts once these 2 days start to feel too easy.
My current goal, yes to get rid of my baby weight, but build up my stamina, for testing. Which I can test for when I am ready. I am shooting for the end of the year for testing my final tip for my 3rd.
This has been one of my main motivations. I am entering another decade of my existence and I want to be working toward my 4th asap. Becoming a Master in TKD is within my reach and I cannot weight.
Remember, it takes the first step, the first fearful risk to jump in and achieve your dreams. Don’t give up, and keep your eyes on the prize.
I started at 14 with the goal of being a master, and while it has taken A LONG time, it is finally within grasp. Keep at it, keep kicking and be authentically amazingly you!