Goddess Call: Hecate

I have recently been feeling drawn towards Hecate, the goddess of the crossroads. Though I had little knowledge about her, I kept hearing her name in various shows and social media. It was after watching a documentary about Vanessa Hudgens, where she was connecting with her identity through witchcraft, that I felt the urge to explore Hecate further.
Despite my timidness in practicing witchcraft, I was curious to learn more about Hecate and her stories. Through my research online and in books, I felt increasingly drawn to her and what she represents. In this post, I will be sharing my thoughts and findings on Hecate so far.
Who is Hecate?
That is a loaded question. Hecate embodies the divine feminine. Over the centuries, her story has merged with other goddesses, making her even more intriguing.
Primarily, she is the goddess of witchcraft, magic, and the crossroads. Hecate is a protector who guides people through transitions and difficult decisions. She holds the keys and illuminates the way, passing through different realms. Hecate is also known as a lunar and triple goddess.
Hecate - Lunar goddesses
Lunar goddesses are deities associated with the night and the moon. Hecate and other lunar goddesses are often considered as dark goddesses.
As I progress in my craft, I realize that things are not always black and white. Some entities are more inclined towards darkness or evil, while others are towards light or good. However, there are many shades of gray, and we need to embrace them instead of creating a harsh divide.
As the old saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. Even if your intentions are pure, you may still get in trouble, and someone may be unhappy with you. This is why we should see things in shades of gray.
Lunar goddesses follow the cycle of the moon. The new moon is the time to set your intentions while the waxing phases signify growth, abundance, and manifestation. Then the waning phases indicate introspection and letting go. The full moon phase represents illumination, and I see it as a time of gratitude.

Hecate - Triple Goddesses:
Hecate is a triple goddess who is represented in three phases. These phases not only represent the stages of women and the female divine but also the stages of nature.
The maiden phase represents curiosity and an adventurous approach to life while maintaining awareness. The mother phase is a protective representation of Hecate, promoting growth, creativity, and transformation. The crone phase embodies wisdom and experience, teaching us that everything comes to an end, and it is okay to let go. We go through phases like the seasons and reach the end of chapters or our physical lives. Hecate represents growth and shadow work, encouraging us to learn and grow from our past.
The triple goddess, particularly as represented through Hecate, emphasizes the power within the divine feminine. It highlights each stage of life and our potential to learn and grow from each turn in life.
As a Triple Lunar goddess, Hecate aligns with the phases of the moon and the representations of the maiden, mother, and crone. We travel from the new moon to growth and manifesting in the waxing phases of the maiden, then to the full illumination of the full moon as the mother, where we nurture and grow the decisions we made as the maiden. As the cycle continues, and we age and fade in the waning phases of the crone, we begin to reflect on our lives and decisions.
Aligning our intention with both the moon and the phase of Hecate can increase the potential of anything we do.
Hecate and her symbols/associations:
Hecate is often depicted holding torches as she is the goddess of illumination who lights the way for her followers as they try to find their path. She is also shown with keys, representing her ability to easily move between realms and open doors to different paths.
Snakes are another symbol associated with Hecate. Although snakes are often associated with negativity, in this case, they represent wisdom and the power to heal. This hints at her connection to herbs, magic, and witchcraft.
Black dogs are also often associated with Hecate. These dogs represent protection and act as guards as she moves between realms. They protect her as she protects her followers.
Hecate is best known for being the goddess of the crossroads. This is because she is a guide who helps people on their journey and aids in decision-making. She can be invoked for guidance and protection when making choices and following your path.
The crossroads represent any point of transition or decision, whether it’s a physical point, a spiritual point, or simply a new endeavor. It’s that moment of transition where you must decide which way to go.
Hecate, and I:
I have just begun my journey with Hecate by reading about her and learning how to work with her. I am also researching other goddesses who have been merged with her.
I am thrilled to work with a dedicated goddess and explore her persona across different cultures. Hecate was primarily known in Greek mythology but has been associated with other civilizations in the past. As colonization occurred, she has been associated with other goddesses such as Selene, Isis, and Artemis.
It is fascinating how cultures from around the world, while believing differently, actually believed in the same thing but practiced differently. We all have to find what works for us, and at the end of the day, your connection with the divine is your connection.
I have been drawn to this goddess and all that she represents for some time now. Now, in the nature of Hecate, I have arrived at the point of my decision, and I hope she guides and lights my way as I begin down this path. She embodies change, growth, and transition and all that comes with that. I see Hecate as a full and complete goddess.
I hope this post has given you some insight into Hecate, and if you feel the call to work with her, I hope it is a start for you on your journey.