Patricia Kaehn


Finding Happiness Happiness.  Everyone searches for happiness. But you cannot find happiness in a thing, person, or place. Sometimes everything can seem like a means to an end. The next place you go or the next significant other or friend group will make you happy, or buying that new outfit, car, or item will give

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Mindful Breathing

Mindful Breathing is All You Need I have previously written about meditation on this site, but it’s not necessarily for everyone. Not everyone seeks to attain spiritual alignment or connect with their higher self. Most people just don’t have the time for what they think mediation is. Most people link they need to have a

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It’s a New Year…again

It’s a New Year…again. I had intended this post for the first of the year but was looking for something profound to say. I found nothing, so regardless, here we go, and happy New Year…again! It seems that each year, it’s the same thing, new year new me. That’s what people everywhere say. They say

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Hoopla Review: 30 day review

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Okay, so let me tell you something about myself. I love to try out the newest gadgets. I usually talk myself out of it because who has money to waste, but every once in a while, I see something, and I need to try it. One

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Cleanse Your Mind

Cleanse Your Mind We clean everything else. We purge our spaces. Why not take the time to cleanse your mind? Reality is built on our perception. What we choose to accept and believe defines our surroundings and our existence. So, it is time to do some work.  We have spoken about shadow work before, and

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